Xp Antivirus Pro 2013 Manual Removal

xp antivirus pro 2013 manual removal

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How to Remove XP Antivirus Pro 2013 Virus. Step-By-Step Guide

XP Antivirus Pro 2013 is a fake program which entices victims to buy the non-existent product to clean the seriously infected PC. How can it get into the system without even letting you know. Can it really be helpful to solve the problem of your computer. How to uninstall it from your infected computer.

XP Antivirus Pro 2013 Description:

XP Antivirus Pro 2013 is a fake anti-virus program designed by cyber criminals to swindle Internet users money away by trying to convince them that their computer is seriously infected by virus and they should pay to buy its useless license key to clean the computer. The interface and process of  XP Antivirus Pro 2013 looks very professional and is similar to legitimate antivirus programs, which makes you believe that it can really do something helpful to protect your computer. In fact, it is a rogue program imitating system scan and then pretending to detect security infections on your computer which don t actually exist. It has no features required for a legitimate antivirus program.

XP Antivirus Pro 2013 gets inside a computer with the help of Trojans which Internet users may get while opening attachments from unknown emails or visiting unsafe websites. Then, it modifies Windows Registry and sets itself to start automatically when system boots up. Additionally, it hijacks your Internet browser and prevents programs including your antivirus software from launching, which inevitably results in distortion of the computer s work. All of these are made to further scare you into believing that the condition of your computer is really dangerous and it can help you to fix it. If you see XP Antivirus Pro 2013 scanning your computer, you should not count on the results and don t purchase its license key, otherwise you will lose your money and your computer remains infected. There is no doubt that you should remove it immediately when you see any signs of its presence on your computer. Since it can block the launch of your antivirus software, manual removal is the best choice to remove it completely from your computer.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you re not sure how to delete this harmful rogue program, you can start a live chat with YooCare experts now.

Screenshot of this malware:

Step-By-Step Manual Removal Guide:

1. Reboot your computer to safe mode with networking. As your computer restarts but before Windows launches, tap F8 key constantly.

2. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab.

Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files Recommended and then click OK.

3. Open Registry entries. Find out the malicious files and entries and then delete all.

Attention: Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

a. Press the Start button and then choose the option Run. In the Open field, type regedit and click the OK button.

b. All malicious files and registry entries that should be deleted:

AllUsersProfile random.exe

AppData Roaming Microsoft Windows Templates random.exe

Temp random.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run random. exe

Similar Removal Video:

In a word, XP Antivirus Pro 2013 is a fake aimed at defrauding of your money by disguising itself as a legitimate antivirus program and scanning out some unreal dangerous infections to scare you. The result you choose to trust it and pay to activate it is losing your money, and even worse, it will implant Trojans and malware virus after activating. The hacker can track your actions when you are using the Internet and steal your personal information including your bank account details. You should realize that this fake program cannot indeed protect your computer but to steal your money and information. When you see it beginning to scan your computer, you should remove it immediately in case of more damages and losses.

Spending a lot of time removing this virus but still with no luck. Live chat with YooCare experts now to save your computer and remove the virus safely and completely.


Published by Selina Lynmich, last updated on April 10, 2014 am Fake Antivirus Removal Tips

One response to How to Remove XP Antivirus Pro 2013 Virus. Step-By-Step Guide


January 1, 2013 at pm

Pro 2013 is a fresh rogue program that is designed by computer hackers who are responsible for XP Antivirus Pro 2013 and XP Antivirus Plus 2013. It infects machines out of nowhere and then scares PC owners into

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Avira Antivirus Pro. Former Avira Antivirus Suite Simple, light and strong. With complete protection from viruses, identity theft and financial loss, this excellent.

Virus description and consequences of its residing on your PC s. CryptoDefence is a trojan that executes a payload of changing text, media, image and other files in.

What is Flash Player Pro virus. Flash Player Pro virus is a fake application, which tries to look like a reputable program Adobe Flash Player. According to security.

XP Antivirus Pro 2013 is one of multi-name rogue names. The rogue is released in late 2012 and its name depends on the operating system version. The rogue is infecting PCs using system vulnerabilities and then blocks execution of antivirus and other programs. It will block all browser sessions as well, claiming that one should activate XP Antivirus Pro 2013 and that websites visited are infected. Some of its outrageous alerts and popups look like this:

System Hacked.

Unknown program is scanning your system registry right now. Identity theft detected.


Attack from port 2336

Attacked port: 45182

Threat: Trojan-Spy.HTML.Backfraud.jk

Severe system damage.

Spyware and viruses detected in the background. Sensitive system compotentns under attack.. Data loss, identity theft and system corruption are possible. Act now, click here for a free security scan.

While the design of XP Antivirus Pro 2013 looks convincing, everything it claims is false. Thus you should not believe that you are infected with malware it detects, but focus on removing the rogue itself. To get rid of it, follow the instructions:

1. Start- Run

2. Enter and press enter

3. Choose continue unprotected and Save the executable on desktop.

4. Rename the executable to. com from. exe make sure you see extensions  OR/AND download and run

5. Run the executable. The XP antivirus pro 2013 windows should close.

6. Delete the files detected or disable XP Antivirus pro 2013 startup using msconfig.

Remember, that you get such rogues because your current security setup had failed. Running full versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Spyhunter or stopzilla would have reduced infection possibility.

Video guide on launching programs on infected machine

XP Antivirus Pro 2013 facts

Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware

XP Antivirus Pro 2013 quicklinks.

From Avira: From malware and Trojans to spies and identity theft, Avira s NEW Antivirus Pro gives you the protection you need to live the life you want.