Oracle 817 Odbc Driver



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Excel VBA to run Oracle query on computer w/o Oracle

Goodbye asked Sep 24, 2008 Replies 18

Is this even possible.

I have an Excel file which is used to generate reports. When it is opened, manually or via schedualled tasks, it runs an Oracle query through VBA and creates a new Excel report.

I ve moved this file online so the new reports are availble to view in an online folder. I would like to add the function than any user viewing the online folder can open the template file, thus creating an up-to-the-minute report.

Currently this would require that they have Oracle installed, otherwise they get an error. Is there anyway to do this.

Here s the code I m using:

Const HOST db-vipxxx ServerName Server hosting the Oracle db

Const DBNAME Rsvaxxx DatabaseName



strConOracle strConOracle ; uid ORACLE_USER_NAME ;pwd ORACLE_PASSWORD ;

Set oConOracle CreateObject ADODB.Connection

Set oConOracle Nothing

End Sub

If you have any suggestions I m all ears, but if not, I guess I ve got to get Oracle for all my users.

Mark this reply as the best answer.

Choose carefully, this can t be changed

Oops1 replied Sep 24, 2008

Do they have Data Sourse Name created on their machines. Each PC needs

DSN. Installing Oracle for each user would be too much:-

Goodbye replied Sep 24, 2008

Just to make sure we re on the same page

DSN, this is what I set-up when I made the original connection to the database right.

Control Panel, Admin tools, Microsoft ODBC Administrator

System DSN tab

and then select the driver right.

In this case: Oracle in ORA92_HOME

Wouldn t they need Oracle instlled to have access to that right driver.

Or am I not following you correctly.

Sorry, I m not very experienced with this.

Well, I ve made some progress, but I m stuck again.

My IT set up a website which connects direct to the Oracle database.

Any user can go to the site, enter a query, and get the results. They do not need any ODBC or even Oracle to do this.

I want my Excel VBA to do this..

My IT guy laughed at me. It s not gonna happen unless I make it happen. Well, really it s not gonna happen unless I get some serious help.

I ve made an ad-hoc solution for now, basically VBA naviagtes to the site, enters the query, and copies the results back into Excel.

It worksbut it s not really very efficient or practical. Plus IT will not support the site forever.

If I get the details from him on how the website works, can I design an Excel/VBA file that operates the same way.

Thank you..

Kevin Barnes replied Sep 24, 2008

Have you ever connected to a database before using excel VBA.


Ever. well yes, the VBA code shown in my first post works just fine, but only beacuse I have Oracle and the ODBC setup on my PC.

I want to create a way to bypass the ODBC and Oracle driver setup requirements though, as not all users will have that.

The web site my IT built does just that, and I want to see if I can put the same functionality into an shared Excel file which is saved online.

Michael Meyers-Jouan

replied Sep 24, 2008

You are using ADO in your VBA code. With ADO, you are defining the DSN in line rather than using the ODBC applet.

Because the Microsoft Oracle ODBC driver is distributed as a standard component on Windows XP and Windows Vista, your users should be able to use your Excel workbook without installing anything else, as long as they have access to the server that is running the Oracle database.

However, you should probably investigate the use of ASP.Net code to build a Web site with the functionality you now have in the Excel workbook. If you can implement that, your users don t need access to ANYTHING except the Web site. Your IT guy should be willing to support the ASP.NET web pages as part of the corporate web site.

Michael S. Meyers-Jouan

Ah, you are talking about a driver. Sorry - I did not understand what

was Oracle :-

Yes, you need it. I think it s part of Windows standard set up. At least

my machine has it.

There was a way get around without DSN: pass all the parameters in

connect string. But you cannot do it without ODBS driver for Oracle

which is not an Oracle :-

Please google DSN-less connection

Goodbye replied Sep 25, 2008


Ok, I am experimenting with the DSN-Less connection. but I can t get it quite right.

I found a few examples, but I can t get it to connect.


CN.ConnectionString Provider OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password 4SBariRO ;Pers ist Security Info True;User ID t847712;Data Source LSRPRsva

CN.Open Open connection

I get a Provider cannot be found, it may not be properly installed error here

Why is there no room in this example for me to input the server info, or the port info.


I ll start looking into ASP.Net, but my IT is really not going to do anything else from here on in, so it s up to me.

I m thinking that developing supporting a new web page is more than I want to do.

I already have a web folder which stores Excel reports for users to view. Each morning an Excel file on my hard drive connects to the Oracle database and refreshes the data, and uploads a new report to the online folder.

I would like my users to be able to generate a new report mid-day if needed. So I uploaded an Excel file containing a VBA macro which connects to the database and saves a new report for them to the online folder. This macro will only work for them IF they have Oracle installed on their computer.

In an attempt to bypass the need for Oracle on all computers, I have modified the VBA to open a new website - which is connected to the Oracle database - run the query there, and copy the results back into the Excel file, and this gives them the new report.

I am concerned that this website I m using to run the query will not be running for the long term. And I am positive that they will not develop or support an ASP.Net page.

Do I understand you correctly that I can modify my VBA to connect using the ODBC applet, and this would then work for any user with access to the server which the Oracle database is on.

If sohow.

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