Activate Car Bomb Gta 3

Button: Action - On Foot/In Vehicle: Square: Jump / Brake: Circle: Hit / Fire / Activate Car Bomb.

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activate car bomb gta 3 activate car bomb gta 3

Official Title: Grand Theft Auto III; Also Known As: Grand Theft Auto 3, GTA 3 and GTA III; Genre: Racing, Sports Car Auto Racing ; Developer: DMA Games.

Aug 15, 2013  Grand Theft Auto Online Gameplay Video Grand Theft Auto V is coming September 17, 2013 While GTA Online shares features and geography with GTAV, it s a.

Official UK PS2 Magazine - Jan 2001 Issue print only

Game Informer - 95 - March 2001 print only

Official US Playstation Magazine - May 2001 Issue print only

EGM - May 2001 Issue print only

PSE2 - May 2001 Issue print only

PSM - 45 - May 2001 Issue print only

PSM2 - May 2001 Issue print only - in German

Next Generation - May 2001 Issue print only

Silicon - April 2001 Issue print only

Special thanks go out to Harry GTA Tanks who transcribed the PS2 UK article and sent it to me.  You may notice that all of these previews are for the PS2, so everything below is pretty much based on the PS2 version.  The PC and XBox versions may differ slightly, but we won t know any details until previews for those platforms start showing up.

Grand Theft Auto 3 is the next title in the Grand Theft Auto series, currently in development at DMA Design s Edinburgh office.  It will be published by Rockstar Games, a division of Take-Two Interactive Software, and is slated for a September/October 2001 release date on PS2.  The PS2 version will be followed by PC and XBox versions.  It s estimated that the PC and XBox versions will be released approximately six months after the PS2 version.  Game Informer is reporting that GTA3 will not be released on Dreamcast due to GTA3 s hardware requirements.  No other releases have been announced, but Gamecube, MAC, and Linux ports are not completely out of the question.  Traditionally Take-Two hasn t supported MAC or Linux so it remains to be seen if a developer will step forward after GTA3 s release to develop ports for either platform.  I d be willing to guess that the only other real contender is Gamecube.  Additionally, there have been rumors that GTA3 will be exclusive to the PS2 outside the United States.  This rumor has not been confirmed yet.

Plot Setting

GTA3 s plot sounds roughly similar to GTA, in fact the whole game sounds a little more like GTA than GTA2.  While GTA3 will share similarities with the other titles in the series, it will not just be GTA in 3D.  GTA3 will be more story driven than the past two GTAs.  You still have the same freedom of movement, but now you are actually doing this stuff for an overall reason, driving the plot forward with each new job.  Doing missions to advance the plot doesn t mean you are required to do all the missions in a specific order.   As with GTA and GTA2 before it, players can take on any mission at almost any time, an element to the game that provides freedom and provokes exploration.   The back story was roughly laid out in the May 2001 issue of PSE2.

It seems you were left to take the fall while your skanky girlfriend, Catalina, and your so-called partner-in-crime, Miguel, have run off with the loot.  Thankfully, the Man just can t keep you down.  As it turns out, on the way to the jail house, your paddy wagon is ambushed by the Yakuza Japanese mobsters who have a penchant for chopping off digits.  Seem they are interested in an old Japanese man sharing your ride up the river.  Along with another escapee who happens to be an explosives expert by the name of 8-Ball, you carjack the nearest vehicle and make your way to freedom - well, actually a hideout in Liberty City s seedy Red Light District run by a Mafioso named Luigi.  Here is where your road to vengeance begins.

During the game you will interact with well over 60 different characters, some of which will be crime bosses and characters returning from GTA, GTA: London, and GTA2.  Gang s will also be returning to GTA3, but GTA2 s respect-o-meter will not.  The Mafia, the Yakuza, the Yardies a Jamaican gang, and the Colombians are the only gangs that have been announced so far.  Unlike GTA and GTA2, you aren t in this game alone.  Your criminal ally is Eight-Ball, a demolitions expert. Eight-Ball will accompany you on your first mission and later in the game he will help you by restocking your munitions.

GTA3 is set entirely in Liberty City, which is sectioned off into three parts, Portland mostly industrial, Staunton Island mostly commercial, and Shoreside Vale suburban.  Each of these sections is ruled by a different gang, but very little information has been given about which gangs will inhabit which sections of the city.  So far we only know that the Mafia will inhabit the industrial area where you start the game and that most of your first missions will be Mafia related.  You can travel from one section to another via trains, tunnels, bridges, and even ferries.  Each section of the city will have one safe-house where you can hide out, save your game, and store a vehicle.  These safe-houses will start out as complete dumps and gradually improve in appearance as you complete more missions and earn more money.  As you progress through the game you will unlock different parts of the city.  Complete enough missions in the industrial area and the radio will announce that the long closed Liberty City bridge has just been opened, giving you the opportunity to check out some new jobs downtown in the commercial area.  Each of the subsections of Liberty City is broken down into smaller areas with posh districts, run down streets, ethnic neighborhoods, docks, etc.  Some sections will have names unique to them, like Chinatown and the red light district.  As you pass through these areas a message will pop up indicating which area you have entered.  Each of the city sections features different quests, civilian AI, architecture, and landscape.  These sections also have a different variety of cars and pedestrians.  You won t see many sports cars in the industrial section, nor will see any business men walking around.

The entire map is 4x4 square kilometers 5.76 square miles and all of that area isn t just a flat surface.  GTA3 will be filled with hills, curves, bumps, and twists that can all be navigated on foot or on wheels, leaving you free to perform stunts all over the map can you say Insane Stunt Bonus. .  GTA3 s interface will feature a radar to help you navigate this huge environment -  click here to view a screenshot of GTA3 s interface.

GTA3 generally plays like the other games in the series, so anyone who has played GTA before should be able to pick GTA3 up and play it immediately.  Hit one key to jack a car and the same key to get back out, that sort of thing.  The basics may not have changed much, but GTA3 will add subtle differences to the formula.  One example of this is how you go about getting your missions.  A few of your missions may come from phones but others will come from passengers riding in your taxi, contacts in the criminal underground, and other random locations.  Another mission source is a street urchin named Darkel according to Game Informer, he will be replacing the Kill Frenzies that were in GTA and GTA2.  Darkel is a rather odd addition who asks you to commit various random acts of violence.  One such act mentioned in the IGN preview is to steal an ice cream truck, load it with dynamite, and then set off the bomb after attracting a large enough crowd.  Sounds pretty dark but I d imagine that its just the tip of the iceberg.  There will be well over 50 mandatory missions and over 50 odd job type side missions.  Rewards in the form of special items and modes will be issued based on the amount of side missions you complete.  60 of these missions will be car based and 40 will be on foot.  Cutscenes will appear throughout the game, during and between missions.  The cutscenes will generally be used to flesh out the plot and will feature full voice acting, lip-synched to the character s mouths.

A.I., Notoriety The Law

GTA3 s artificial intelligence AI will be used to give life to Liberty City.  The pedestrians peds will have a distinctive AI which will allow them to continue about their business even when they aren t on screen.  Currently its estimated that up to 20 peds could be displayed on screen at any given time.  The peds will all be programmed to interact with one another and with you.  That doesn t mean they will all react the same however.  Each ped, whether they be good or bad, will be programmed with quirks and odd behavior so they won t always react how you d expect.  You might be able to throw one guy out his car without a fight, but another might not give up so easily.  Some might play dead, others get mad and yell at you, while the vigilante types will take the law into their own hands.

The main peds you interact with will be easily identifiable and should be easy to spot in a crowd.  The other peds you encounter will change depending on what section of town you are in and the time of day.  In the commercial section you will see business people going to work in the morning and then going home just before it gets dark.  As the peds head back to their homes, traffic will increase and be tougher to navigate this primarily occurs in the commercial section during rush hour.  Other sections will have peds that are specific to them.  Some of the peds that have been mentioned so far are, car jackers, muggers, gang members, hookers, bums, business men, joggers, school children, and old women with walkers .

As it gets dark the city s less friendly citizens will make their presence known.  Wander down the wrong alley in the middle of the night and you might have to contend with a gang of thugs.  The difference between day and night will also affect how your actions are viewed.  Take someone down in broad daylight and the cops will appear as soon as someone phones it in, but at night you ll have to contend with gang members who might not like the fact that you just ventilated their friend.  Conversely if you take down one of the gang s enemies, they probably won t bother calling the police and might even help you with the job. This also opens up a new means of avoiding the police.  During the day you can gun and run if you want or you can take out your target and then move on to the witnesses.  If you wipe out everyone in the local area before they can call it in you may get away without any immediate repercussions, but in the end the cops will be more hostile toward you.

This brings up the subject of notoriety.  Whenever you commit a hostile act you run the risk of raising your notoriety.  This is indicated by badge-like stars that appear, the more stars you have the more difficult the game will be, and the more severe the repercussions.  Get six of these stars going at one time and you better start ducking, because not only will you have to contend with your garden variety street cop, but you ll also be looking down the barrels of the the SWAT teams, FBI agents, the army, and helicopter squads complete with sharpshooters and spotlights for night missions.   Each branch of the law has different units at their disposal.  The police have regular officers, SWAT teams, and helicopter squads.  The FBI has plain clothes and suited agents that roll up in black sedans, and the army has jeeps, tanks, armored personal carriers, and helicopters, all packed with heavily armed soldiers.  If you can t take the heat you can always track down a spray shop.  I d imagine the spray shops will work much like they did in GTA and GTA2, but hopefully in a more realistic manner.

Graphics, Features Interface

If you hadn t figured it out already, GTA3 uses a true 3D engine that is not shackled to a top-down view like the other titles in the GTA series.  Multiple views and camera angles will be available, including first person, third person, top down, etc.  The majority of the game will be played from the default, third person view.  The DMA Design team played numerous third person games and they are working on the best possible solution to the camera problems that plague some of these games.

GTA3 will also feature continuously streaming environments allowing the DMA team to use an unlimited number of building models.  This should reduce the amount of repetition in the environment.  The final release of the PS2 version should be running at a rock solid 30 FPS and will feature graphical enhancements like, rain, fog, real time lighting, reflection mapping, zero clipping, motion blur, and lots of detail.  Another feature of the game engine is full day/night time cycles, with 30 minutes of real-time equaling 24 hours of game-time.  As the sun moves across the sky the objects in the city will cast a different shadow depending on the position of the sun.  Along with the day/night cycles, GTA3 will also feature a weather generator which can lead to rain, haze, fog, clouds, lightening, thunder or any combination of these elements.  These weather conditions will affect the physics in the game making it harder to sprint or drive on wet pavement, and it will lower your visibility under hazy or foggy conditions.  Cloudy conditions just lead to a darker day while lightening and thunder just add to the environment.

The interface in GTA3 will feature the standard compliment of read outs including area name, pager, health meter, armor meter, weapon/ammo/clip, cash, radar, wanted level, and clock.  Most of these are self-explanatory - click here to view a screenshot of GTA3 s interface.

Area Name: As you enter new areas around town the area name will appear briefly to indicate where you are China town, red light district, docks, etc.

Pager: The pager pops up from time to time to give you new and current mission information.

Health Meter: The health meter shows how much life you have left.

Armor Meter:  The armor meter shows how much armor you have left

Weapon/Ammo/Clip: The weapon/ammo/clip readout shows your current weapon, how much ammo you have left overall, and how much ammo you have left in the current clip.  The clip amount will only show up if the weapon you are using has a clip.

Cash: Cash indicates your current liquid assets

Radar:  The radar shows full street layout with an N on the radar border indicating which direction is North.  Various mission goals are indicted by colored icons.  The mission icons will sit on the border of the radar indicating which direction you need to go.  When you get close enough to the mission goal it will move onto the radar screen showing more specific instructions.

Wanted Level: The wanted level shows how much heat you have coming down on you ranges from 0-6 badge icons.

Clock: The clock shows the current game time.  The clock replaces the counters that were used in previous games in the GTA series.  You will use the clock for certain missions where you have to be at a specific place at a specific time.  One scenario might require the player to rob an armored van that makes it s rounds early in the morning.  If you miss the job, you ll have to try again the next day.  Judging from previous previews, it sounds as if you can miss some missions and retry them the next day, while others are one-shot deals that you will fail if you don t show up at the correct time.

Vehicles, Control Movement

GTA3 will feature approximately 50 vehicles, with each vehicle having 4 to 5 variations.  In the end it s possible that GTA3 may have up to 250 different vehicle variations total.  All the cars are based on real-life vehicles.  Some situations will call for a truck, some for a sports car, others for a boat, and some will require you to use a small vehicle to get to a specific point on the map.  I ve composed a list of possible vehicles based on the screen shots and the previews.

The design team at DMA is trying to balance the physics so all the vehicles are modeled accurately, but still fun to drive.  The physics of any given vehicle can be affected by damage, terrain, vehicle type, and weather conditions.  Just as in previous versions of GTA, you will be able to perform stunts like hand-brake turns, jumps, and more.  One feature returning from GTA2 is the ability to drive a cab and collect fares.  In some special cases you can also use the cab to get missions from your riders.  Other vehicle side missions include, answering emergency calls in the ambulance, putting out fires with the fire truck, capturing criminals with the police car, and possibly selling ice cream from the ice cream truck.  All of these vehicle side missions will net you some extra cash.

Unlike other games, in GTA3, you can run over anyone you like.  Only the lucky peds will be able to jump out of the way in this game.  If you do happen to miss one and you re too damn lazy to get out of your car, fear not, drivebys are back.  Simply make a U-turn, pull out your Uzi, and gun down the acrobatic ped.

Each vehicle features 18 damage points that can be dented or fall off.  It s even possible to bash every panel off, leaving only the frame.  If it takes too much damage it might blow up.  You also run the risk of flipping your car in some situations.  If the car doesn t blow up after flipping, you can crawl out the window and continue on your way.  Damaging your vehicle will do more than just change its appearance, it will also adjust the physics and performance.  The more you damage a vehicle, the more difficult it will be to drive.  For instance, if the front end is rammed hard enough, the engine will begin to smoke and your car may not perform as well.

If for any reason you get sick of driving you can always get out of your car and go for a walk.  When you leave your car you can walk, run, or sprint, however you can only sprint for a short time before you have to stop and rest.  If you run and sprint a lot, the character will get in better shape and later in the game he won t have to rest as often because his endurance has gone up.  All of these actions have separate animations that your character will perform, even down to bending over to take a deep breath after a long sprint.

The PS2 controls are as follows the layout may change and no one has mentioned yet what the other buttons do :
